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You Know You're A Band Nerd When:

You hear music and start marking time

You try to guess the tempo of your favorite song

All of your friends are in band

You don't mind changing clothes on the bus

You point out key changes and dynamics while listening to the radio

You like wearing your uniform

Every guy/girl you're interested in is in the band

You've had a "trombone-ectomy"

You practice your instrument more than you talk to your dog

Being mauled by a drum is a normal part of life

People worry when they see you without your instrument

You remember flats and sharps more easily than your name

You're alone and you suffocate because there's no one telling you to breathe

Your instrument has a name

You remember your instrument's birthday and forget your mom's

Your uniform fits

You see your section more than you see your family

Everyone wants to kill the other football team...and you want to kill the other band

You accidentally call your band director "Dad"(except Stacey of course :-) )

You CAN sight-read

Reeds taste good

You have a neck strap/harness tan line

You subconsciously start practicing with a pencil

Numbers past 8 aren't important

You'd rather practice than read this list

Letters past G aren't important

Everybody fights like family (Well, the Thates are family...)

You don't try to hide the fact that you're in band

You know not only your own part, but everyone else's too

You eat lunch with all of the other band people

You go to the band room after school "just to hang out"

You resort to humming your band music to fall asleep

The drummers actually start to make sense (That will NEVER happen in parkville...but their cadence is so damn awesome!)

You wear your band shirt in public

Your furniture is dented from banging drumsticks on it

The french horn section sounds good

You can make this list longer (hopefully we can you guys need to help me...send any suggestions to, or IM me on Bandchic2002)

You get the jokes on this list

You hang out with your instrument section and tell others they aren't invited because they aren't part of your section (lol, clarinet pow-wow!)

Your band director has thrown "the stick" more than once

Everyone, including the director, cries when you get a 2 in a band competition

You have a story for each dent on your instrument

You have used your instrument as a weapon more than once

Each player in the flute section is actually in tune with everyone else (that doesn't happen...)

You play your instrument at family reunions

Your parents have more than 3 video tapes with band concerts on them (more like 10)

Your parents can actually play a note on your instrument (haha not a chance)

All of the jokes on this list apply to you

You find yourself subconsciously humming some football game songs

You have blisters on your hands from carrying your instrument too long

You get excited if a song that your band plays comes on the radio (Sleigh Ride! Yeah!)

You can pick your band friends out of a crowd because you recognize their instrument case (or the back of their heads...)

You have permanent braces-indentions on your upper lip from pressing your mouth against your mouthpiece too hard

You can think of more things to add to this list

You find yourself walking in step with those around you

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